How to use Pinterest for small business

Keeping up with the latest developments in marketing for your small business means staying up-to-date on the world of social media. Aside from the challenge of simply staying informed about new platforms and changes to existing platforms, figuring out how to maneuver within the sometimes overwhelming sea of actual socializing

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Small business debt is growing

Small business debt in Australia Current surveys show that small businesses are owed over $10 billion; of this amount, bad debts account for over 60% of this outstanding amount. Surveys conducted by the Commonwealth bank of businesses with turnovers up to $2 million shows the average debt owed to each

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How do debt collectors recover debts that you can’t?

We take a closer look at the professional debt collection process. Getting paid for your products and services are the cornerstone of any business plan. There are few things are more frustrating than having your cashflow disrupted by clients not paying their invoices. As you probably know, cash flow is

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A simple debt recovery process for small business

For small businesses, cash flow is very important. So it’s important to stay on top of chasing outstanding payments from customers (or recovering debt). Having unrecovered hanging over business can crash it. However, collecting debt is a very delicate process. They are many legal minefields to work through to protect

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5 steps to great cashflow forecasting

A well-prepared cashflow forecast is an early warning system that lets you spot signs of cash trouble months or even years in advance system. More importantly, it provides the time and space for businesses to take action to avoid a cash crunch. The bad news is that cashflow forecasting, like

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5 steps for preventing bad debts

We know how painful debt can be. And we also know how hard it is to recover. We are professional debt collectors for a reason. We understand debt and how it hurts. So, we’d like to pass on some wisdom for preventing bad debt from building up and taking over

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The real cost of bad debt

Most business owners know the sinking feeling they get when a debtor either refuses to pay or goes insolvent and cannot pay. There are few options left for a business owner whose debtors go insolvent. While this is a frustrating situation, it can also be a dangerous situation for the

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5 tips for small business Facebook marketing

As of March 2013 Facebook had 1.11 billion users. No matter how you slice it, that’s a whole lot of people who use Facebook. Honestly, it’s a number that’s hard to wrap your brain around. With a platform like Facebook having that many users it only makes sense to market

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5 tips for using Twitter as a small business

Having a social media presence is key in maintaining our present and active brand. And good news, it’s free! All you need to do is set up your social accounts, and you’re ready to connect with a new audience. However, like anything, there’s some strategy involved, the sheer amount of

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A salesperson’s guide to sending content to prospective customers

One of the best ways a salesperson can engage a prospect between conversations and move him or her through the sales process involves absolutely no talking. How? Educate your prospects in between calls by leveraging your company’s content. Your marketing team is constantly cranking out useful, relevant information packaged in

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